There is nothing
Outside of yourself
That can ever enable you
To get better, stronger, richer,
Quicker, or smarter.
Everything is within.
Everything exists.
Seek nothing
Outside of yourself"
- Miyamoto Musashi
Sponsor Feature:
➜ Outfit: [Val'More] Shinotenshi @ Epiphany
➜ Throne: [CX] Cerberus' Throne @ Fantasy Faire
➜ Ears: [CX] Withered Bezerker Ear @ Mainstore
➜ Mask: [CX] Mucronate Mask @ Mainstore
Head: LeLUTKA - Skyler 2.0
Body: Signature - Gianni
R Eye: Gloom. - Rhys Collection - Black
L Eye: Gloom. - Shippuden Collection
Facial Hair: Stray Dog - Nathan Facial Hair
Eye Scar: TF: Linea
Neck Fade: TF: Enigma
Sunken Eye Shadow: TF: Nomak
Hair: Dura-B93-Hair
Gloves: ::GB::Metallic Long nail gloves
Skybox: VARONIS - Sombre Skybox